Introduction to Wine Course ($250) Thursdays 14th & 21st November from 7PM till 9PM
The perfect course for anyone wanting to start learning about wine.
We will show you how to taste, what flavours to look for, and how to appear like you have years of experience after just 2 sessions.
Level: This course assumes no prior knowledge or experience.
Over 25 wines are tasted throughout the course with topics covered including
How to taste wine
How to identify flavours and aromas
Varietal Characteristics - why do different grapes taste different.
Food and Wine Matching
How to buy and store or order and drink wine
Effect of glassware
The aim of the course is to give participants a rounded introduction to wine and allow participants to identify what they like and appreciate what wine is all about.
This course is held monthly so if you are unable to attend these dates get in touch and we will let you know upcoming dates.
We provide specialist tasting books to help guide you through the wines of the evening. View an example tasting book here.
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